This feature allows you to share a playlist's icons, cover artwork and track titles (not the not the actual audio) with other Yoto users. Once they have uploaded their audio they can apply your shared icons, artwork or track titles to their playlist.

There are a couple of caveats which I hope to address in upcoming releases:

  • You can't pick and choose which track's icons/titles get applied. It's all or nothing.
  • You have to ensure your audio aligns with the playlist you are grabbing icons from. If there's an extra intro track, or they have been split differently they will be mismatched.
  • Your playlist title needs to be a (close) match to what was shared for it to be found.

With that said, it's still a powerful feature in it's current state. But, I hope to make it even better.

Applying a Shared Playlist #

To apply the icons, artwork or titles from a shared playlist to your own, follow these steps:

  1. Open/Create your playlist
  2. Upload your audio
  3. Add your playlist's title (this is important, as it is used to find a match). It will do a 'fuzzy' match, meaning you will get results that don't exactly match but are close.
  4. Click the Sharing button, and then the Find Matching Playlist button.
  5. If there's a match you will see a dropdown with potential options.
  6. Select the option you want to use, this will show the icons, artwork and titles that have been shared. (Note: at the moment there's no quality control so some playlists have amazing icons and titles, others just have artwork and empty icons, so you might want to look through all options if there's multiple)
  7. Check your audio aligns with the option you've picked! You can move the popup to the side to double check.
  8. Click the Apply button to apply the icons, titles and artwork. Or click the arrow on the Apply button and click the appropriate button if you only want to apply the icons, or titles or artwork.

Publishing a Playlist #

If you're particularly proud of a playlist you've made and you want to share it, thank you! This feature only works with folks like you willing to share their hard work.

  1. Open the playlist you'd like to share
  2. Click the Sharing button
  3. Click the Publish Playlist button in the dropdown.
  4. Read the confirmation, and click the Got it, Publish! button.

Browse Shared Playlists #

If you just want to see what playlists have been shared you can do that, but to apply any of the playlists, you need to go through the steps above.

  1. Open a playlist.
  2. Click the Sharing button.
  3. Click the Browse Playlists button in the dropdown.
  4. A pop-up will display with all the playlists on the left-side.
  5. Use the filter textfield to find one you're interested in.
  6. Click it to view the tracks, icons and artwork.
  7. If you want to apply one you've found, you might need to update your playlist's title to more closely match the one you've found