We all know that selecting icons is the fun part, but it's also the slooow part. We've added a few features to make it easier and faster

Icon Searching #

We added a search box so finding relevant icons is much quicker.

YotoIcons.com Integration #

YotoIcons.com is a website with over 13,000 icons specially made for Yoto Players. The usual process is to find the icon you want, download it to your computer, open the icon picker, upload the new icon, then select it.

Now you can search all YotoIcons.com icons right in the icon picker and apply them in one click. Boom!

Add Track Number Icons #

Sometimes we aren't able to pick nice icons and we just want to put a number on each track. This button will do it for you!

Add Random Icons #

If you want to just give each track a random icon to distinguish each track, then this button will do just that.

Add the Same Icon to Multiple Tracks #

If you want to assign the same icon to multiple tracks at once, follow these steps:

  1. Open the Playlist you want to work with.
  2. Check the checkbox beside the tracks you want to set the icon for.
  3. Expand the Actions menu in the top right.
  4. Click Pick Icons for Selected Tracks - the standard icon picker pop-up will appear.
  5. Select the icon you want as normal.

Add Numbers to Selected Tracks #

If you want to only add numbers to a sub-set of tracks:

  1. Open the Playlist you want to work with.
  2. Check the checkbox beside the tracks you want to add numbers to.
  3. Expand the Actions menu in the top right.
  4. Click Add Numbers To Selected Tracks.
  5. Numbers, starting from 1, will be added to the selected tracks.

Add Random Icons to Selected Tracks #

If you want to add a random icon to a sub-set of tracks:

  1. Open the Playlist you want to work with.
  2. Check the checkbox beside the tracks you want to give a random icon to.
  3. Expand the Actions menu in the top right.
  4. Click Add Random Icon To Selected Tracks.
  5. Numbers, starting from 1, will be added to the selected tracks.

Add Numbers From a Selected Track #

If you want to start the number from a particular track (e.g. skip an intro track), follow these steps:

  1. Open the Playlist you want to work with.
  2. Check the checkbox beside the track you want to start numbering from.
  3. Expand the Actions menu in the top right.
  4. Click Add Numbers Starting from Selected Track.
  5. Numbers, with the selected track being number 1, will be added to the selected track and all subsequent tracks.