Frequently Asked Questions
Have some questions? You may find it here.
What is a Chrome Extension?
A Chrome Extension is like a small helper for your web browser (Google Chrome). Think of it as an app you add to your browser to make it more useful or add special features. Just like you download apps on your phone to do things like take photos, play games, or send messages, Chrome Extensions are added to your browser to make browsing the internet easier or more fun.
How do I install it?
Search for 'MYO Studio' on the Chrome Web Store or head to and click the 'Add to Chrome' button.
What do I do once it's installed?
Once it's installed you just need to go to the MYO Pages on the Yoto website - - and you'll see the new blue buttons appear.
How will this actually help me?
It makes every aspect of creating MYO Cards faster and easier. Trust me. Finding icons? Easier. Adding cover art? Easier. Merging playlists? Impossible without it. Using the hard work of others to add carefully preselected icons and titles? You bet.
Is it safe to use?
Absolutely! The Chrome Web Store is quite strict about what is published and what data it can access. The extension only runs on the Yoto MYO pages and it doesn't collect or share any information about your account. The only thing that leaves the browser is any playlists that you choose to share - and even these are shared anonymously. Please rest assured that your data safety and privacy is very important.
Does this violate copyright laws?
We don't share any audio with anyone else so there's no audio sharing rules being violated.
You're a genius. I want to say thanks & support further development
You're too kind. You can start by leaving a review on the Chrome Web Store - that would be great. If you're really keen, then you can head over to my Ko-Fi page and support the extension by chucking a few £s my way.
Will this let me lie down more?
Big time. Tell you're family that you're making MYO cards and that it'll take an hour like usual. Now it only takes like 10 mins. The other 50 mins? That's lying down time. You're welcome.
Will this mean I have to make loads more cards?
Probably, yes. The addiction is real. Now that it's faster, you'll probably just end up making twice as many.
None of the extra buttons show up!
If you've just installed the extension you need to refresh the MYO Page to get it to kick in. Generally, if it doesn't appear at all, a quick refresh will see it fixed. Sometimes, people have reported having to restart their browser completely to get it to kick in.
Some features aren't working
If some features aren't working check that you have granted all the required permissions. The extension requires access to a few different domains to work properly (e.g., etc). If you go to the Extension page and click the Details button on the MYO Studio entry you can enable all the required permissions.